Uploading an Archive
Uploads an archive to Bright
Example: bright-cli archive:upload [options]
If an archive with that name already exists, the following error message will be shown: The file with that name already exists or the HAR file is corrupted
If you plan to run a scan using an OAS file, you must specify a different discovery option by setting the
to OAS.
Argument | Description |
<file> | A collection of your app's http logs exported into a .HAR file. Typically, you can use any browser's dev tools, or a Cypress plugin to generate them. In addition, you can use an Open API Specification (OAS) file that describes your public API. |
Option | Description |
--token=apiKey , -t=apiKey | The unique identifier used to authenticate a user. The token (API key) can be issued in your organization’s dashboard. Required option. |
--type=har/openapi/postman ,-t=har/openapi/postman | The specification type, which helps determine the best way to parse passed files. Default: --type har |
--discard , -d | When true, removes an archive from the cloud storage after the scan finishes running. Default: --discard true |
--header=headerName:headerValue ,-H=headerName:headerValue | Extra headers to be passed with the OAS/Postman file. Also, it can be used to remove a header by providing a name without content. For example, -H "Host:" .Warning: Headers set with this option override the archive headers and are set in all requests. |
Updated 3 months ago