Listing Entrypoints
This command returns a list of Entrypoints of a Project: bright-cli entrypoints:list --project <project-id>
Argument | Description |
<project-id> | The ID of a project whose list of entry points will be returned |
Option | Description |
—project=project-id , -p=project-id | Required. The ID of the project |
--limit | Optional. Use this option to set a limit of returned entrypoints. Default: 10 .Example: bright-cli entrypoints:list --project <project-id> --limit 50 |
--connectivity | Optional. Filter entry points by its connectivity. Available options: ok , unreachable , problem , skipped , unauthorized , unavailable . |
--status | Optional. Filter entry points by its by status. Available options: new , changed , tested , vulnerable . |
--pretty | Optional. Add this option to get a "prettified" version of the entry points, in JSON format. Example: bright-cli entrypoints:list --project <project-id> --limit 50 --pretty |
Updated 4 months ago