Checking Scan Status

This command configures ongoing polling of a scan status, and helps you follow its progress during CI/CD flows: bright-cli scan:polling [options] <scanId>.

After a scan launches, it frequently checks the scan status. If the scan finds at least one issue of medium severity, Bright CLI finishes with exit code 50.


<scanId>The ID of an existing scan that you want to check.


Option, aliasDescription
--token=apiKey, -t=apiKeyThe unique identifier used to authenticate a user. The token (API key) can be issued in your organization’s dashboard.
Required option.
--breakpoint=any/ medium_issue/high_issue/critical_issue,
A conditional breakpoint that finishes the process with exit code 50 only after fulfilling the predefined condition. The breakpoint option allows you to follow the fail-fast principle when polling the scan results.

Default: --breakpoint any
--interval=millisecondsThe period of time between the end of a timeout period or the completion of a scan status request, and the next request for status. For example, 60, 2min, 10h, or 7d. A numeric value is interpreted in milliseconds.

Default: --interval 5000
--timeout=millisecondsThe maximum time allowed for polling to end normally. A numeric value is interpreted in milliseconds. For example, 60, 2min, 10h, or 7d.
Example: --timeout=50
--api=clusterUrl(Deprecated). Set the API endpoint domain, for VPC, use: --api <>