Response Status Codes

The error status codes are what Bright app returns when an API request or call fails. This topic provides a table of error codes with possible causes and troubleshooting actions.

CodeDescriptionHow to fix
200OK - the request has succeeded.There’s no need to fix anything.
201Created - the request has been fulfilled and has resulted in one or more new resources being created.There’s no need to fix anything.
202Accepted - the request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.There’s no need to fix anything.
203Non-authoritative information - the request was successful but the enclosed payload has been modified from that of the origin server’s 200 OK response by a transforming proxy.There’s no need to fix anything.
204No content - indicates that a request has succeeded, but that the client doesn't need to navigate away from its current page.There’s no need to fix anything.
206Partial content - the server is delivering only part of the resource requested by the client due to a range header sent by the client.There’s no need to fix anything.
301Moved Permanently redirect status response - the requested resource has been definitively moved to the URL given by the Location headers.It’s a normal behavior, but it can be used to redirect to login page if authentication is required.
302Found - a specific URL has been moved temporarily to a new location.It’s a normal behavior, but it can be used to redirect to login page if authentication is required.
303Other redirect status response code - the redirects don't link to the requested resource itself, but to another page.It’s a normal behavior, but it can be used to redirect to login page if authentication is required.
304Not modified - there is no need to retransmit the requested resources. It is an implicit redirection to a cached resource.There’s no need to fix anything.
307Temporary redirect - the resource requested has been temporarily moved to the URL given by the Location headers.It’s a normal behavior, but it can be used to redirect to login page if authentication is required.
308Permanent redirect - the resource requested has been definitively moved to the URL given by the Location headers.It’s a normal behavior, but it can be used to redirect to login page if authentication is required.
400Bad request - API request is not formatted correctly.Make sure your URL is correct. If it’s not works, try to clear browser cookies and DNS cache. Also, check your browser extensions, some of them can interfere with cookies. Otherwise, the Bright app can properly filter test attacks as bad input.
401Unauthorized - authentication to use an API is failed.You need to sign on and get an API key. Don’t forget to double-check your credentials.
403Forbidden - requests to this URL are forbidden.The resource requires special permissions. The correct authentication is required to gain these permissions. Also, this is used by WAF when blocking malicious requests.
404Not found - the requested URL doesn’t exist on the API server.Double-check the URL to make sure it’s correct and refresh the page.
405Method not allowed - a web browser has requested access to one of your pages, and your web server has recognized the request. However, the server has rejected the specific HTTP method it's using. As a result, your web browser can't access the requested web page.Clean your browser cookies and cache and then refresh the page.
406Client’s requests with a particular protocol to a website or web application are not supported.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
409Conflict - the request could not be processed because of a conflict in the request.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
411Length Required - the server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-Length header.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
412Precondition Failed - access to the target resource has been denied.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
414Too long response status code - the URL requested by the client is longer than the server is willing to interpret.Clean your browser cookies and cache and then refresh the page.
415Unsupported media type - the server refuses to accept the request because the payload format is in unsupported format.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
417Expectation failed - the expectation given in the request's Expect header could not be met.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
419Session expired - a session has expired while processing a post request.Clean your browser cookies and cache and then refresh the page.
422Unprocessable entity - the request is unable to process, although it is understandable.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
424Failed dependency - status code means that the method could not be performed on the resource because the requested action depended on another action and that action failed.Clean your browser cookies and cache and then refresh the page.
429Too many requests - too many requests per second are sent.Clean your browser cookies and cache and then refresh the page. Also, there is a possibility that rate-limited by WAF is turned on.
431Request header fields too large - the server refuses to process the request because the request's HTTP headers are too long.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
500Internal server error - API server crashed.Clean your browser cookies and cache and then refresh the page.
501Not implemented - the request is not available yet.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
502Bad gateway - the server you were calling is not an actual API server, but a gateway or proxy.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
503Service unavailable - too many API requests were sent and the API can’t handle any more of them.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
504Gateway timed out - The server you were calling can’t response quickly.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
505Version not supported - the HTTP version used in the request is not supported by the server.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
520The message didn't fit in with the standard list of HTTP response codes.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
524Occurs if the origin web server acknowledges the resource request after the connection has been established, but does not send a timely response.Please make sure that all the target settings are correct, and that the target is available.
ArgumentErrorOccurs after receiving invalid arguments.Internal engine error. There’s nothing a user can do. This most likely indicates a bug.
ExceptionGeneral exception errorInternal engine error. There’s nothing a user can do. This most likely indicates a bug.
IO::EOFErrorInput/output system errorThe response from the server was ill-formed. Possibly the server has crashed during the processing of this response.
IO::ErrorGeneral error for input/output issues.Internal engine error. The server closed or reseted the connection while writing a request or reading a response.
IO::TimeoutErrorTimeout while transmitting data - occurs when there is no response from the remote side in the network connection.The server did not response to the request. The server is most likely down.
JSON::MappingErrorOccurs the JSON file contains inappropriate content.The uploaded JSON file is ill-formed.

This is probably a bug in the engine since all uploaded JSONs are validated before passing them to the engine.
JSON::ParseExceptionOccurs then the JSON file is not valid (or probably is not a JSON file).The uploaded JSON file is ill-formed.

This is probably a bug in the engine, since all uploaded JSONs are validated before passing them to the engine.
NexPloit::Agent::ErrorGeneral error for repeater issues.Please check the repeater.
NexPloit::Agent::TimeoutFailed to connect to the Repeater, connection timeout.Please check the repeater.
NexPloit::Session::AuthFlow::ErrorAuthorization error - occurs during an authflow, when server response is not 200.Please check the configuration of the authentication flow.

Technical details: this happens when the authentication error detected right after successful authentication.
General error for connection issuesPlease check the repeater.
NexPloit::Session::Client::ErrorGeneral error for connection issuesPlease check the repeater.
NexPloit::Session::Client::TimeoutConnection timeout to the addressThe server did not response to the request. The server is most likely down.
OpenSSL::SSL::ErrorCertificate errorPlease check the SSL configuration of the server.

Technical details: this may be caused by a server that uses an expired or self-signed SSL certificate.
Repeater::EAI_AGAINIndicates that there is no data available and to try the operation again later.Please check the repeater.
Repeater::ECONNABORTEDIndicates that the network connection has been aborted.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
Repeater::ECONNREFUSEDIndicates that the network connection has been refused.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
Repeater::ECONNRESETIndicates that the network connection has been refused.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
Repeater::ENETUNREACHIndicates that the network connection has been reset.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
Repeater::ENOTFOUNDOccurs when it’s impossible to determine the address.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
Repeater::EPROTOIndicates a protocol error.Please check the repeater.
Repeater::ESOCKETTIMEDOUTTimeout error - operation didn’t complete within the expected time.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
Repeater::ETIMEDOUTIndicates that the connection timed out.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
Repeater::HPE_INVALID_HEADER_TOKENError in header validation on the Repeater side.Please check the repeater and network connection to the target.
RuntimeErrorSystem function response is not valid or expected.Internal engine error. There’s nothing a user can do. This most likely indicates a bug.
Socket::Addrinfo::ErrorCan’t get an address because of DNS problems.Infrastructure error. Please try again later.
Socket::ConnectErrorGeneral connection errorInfrastructure error. Please try again later.
URI::ExtractDomainErrorUnable to determine public-suffix of this domain.Infrastructure error. Please try again later.
WebDriver::DriverStore::TimeoutThe engine couldn’t get an idle web-driver from the storage.Internal engine error. There’s nothing a user can do. This most likely indicates a bug.