These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Managing Bright File Storage

Bright enables you to upload API schemas and .HAR files to the storage and select them as a target when setting a new scan. Uploaded files can be shared within the organization members with appropriate permissions. The following section describes how to manage the storage of these files.



Every file should be associated with a project. To learn how to associate files with a projects, see this chapter.

In the Bright file storage, you can do the following:

  • Upload a file
  • Associate a file with a project
  • View the list of uploaded files and details about them
  • Check the storage capacity and maintain the remaining space
  • Delete a file

The Bright file storage has the following specifications:

  • Maximum storage capacity (free/enterprise plan): 200 MB/500 MB (can be expanded by request)
  • File conversion timeout: 5 min
  • The upload request timeout: 60-70 min

Uploading a file

To upload a file to your storage, do the following:

  1. In the left pane, select Storage, and then click Upload.
  2. On the popup, drag-and-drop or select a file from your local storage, and then click Upload.

  1. Select a project to attach a new file. Once a project is selected, click Upload to start.

When uploading is ready, this pop-up will appear.

  1. Click Done to finish the uploading process.

Uploaded files will appear on the STORAGE tab and on the Project page.

Associating a file with a project

Every file should be associated with a project. It is obligatory to select a project to associate files while uploading.



Previously added files should also be associated with some project.

When a file is not associated with any projects, this notification will appear next to the file title:

To associate a file with a project, click on and then select Associate.

Choose one project you want your files to be associated with.

Click Save to continue.

Deleting a file

To delete a file, do the following:

  1. In the FILES section, select the checkbox to the left of the file you want to delete and click Delete.
  2. On the popup, click YES to confirm the deletion.