These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Uploading an Archive

If an archive with that name already exists, the following error message displays this message: The file with that name already exists or the HAR file is corrupted.



If you plan to run a scan using an OAS file, you must specify a different discovery option by setting the
--discovery to OAS.


A collection of your app logs exported into a .HAR file. Typically, you can use any browser's dev tools, or a Cypress plugin to generate them. In addition, you can use an OAS file that describes your public API.


--token=apiKey, -t=apiKeyThe unique identifier used to authenticate a user. The token (API key) can be issued in your organization’s dashboard.
The specification type, which helps determine the best way to parse passed files.

Default: --type har
--discard, -dWhen true, removes an archive from the cloud storage after the scan finishes running.

Default: --discard true
Extra headers to be passed with the OAS/Postman file. Also, it can be used to remove a header by providing a name without content. For example, -H "Host:".

Warning: Headers set with this option override the archive headers and are set in all requests.
Environment variables passed with the Postman file.
--config=pathToConfigSpecifies the path to the configuration file. By default, the CLI tries to discover the config in the package.json in the root directory of your application or a separate file by a specified name in the working directory. For details, see Configuration Files for more information.
--log-level =0/1/2/3/4/silent/
Allows setting the level of logs to report. Any logs of a higher level than the one specified are shown. The options to select : 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "silent", "error", "warn", "notice", and "verbose".

Default: 3
--clusterBright cluster (domain name).

--insecureAllows the Bright CLI to proceed and operate even if the server connection is considered insecure.
--proxy=socksProxyUrlSOCKS URL to proxy all traffic.

Note: SOCKS4, SOCKS5, SOCKS4a, and SOCKS5h are currently supported. By default, if you specify SOCKS://<URL>, then SOCKS5h is applied.
--api=clusterUrl(Deprecated). Set the API endpoint domain, for VPC, use: --api

Default: --api <>