These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Check out the new features and improvements from NeuraLegion.

NeuraLegion App

  • Switching between short and complete lists of project scans - Now you can easily navigate between all project scans and last five displayed.
  • Distinguishing names of the application pages - Each application page can now be easily recognized by its unique title.
  • General UI improvements - We standardized internal/external links, reworked the copy buttons and made some other UI improvement which will make your interaction with the application better.
  • Restricting a Repeater for specific project(s) - With this functionality, you will be able to use a repeater only for particular projects, which will significantly facilitates management of scanning local targets by different teams. For more details, see the documentation.
  • Specifying custom headers to be included in scan scope - You can now optimize the attack surface by selecting specific custom headers to be covered by tests during scanning. These will be included in all the scan tests. For more details, see the documentation.
  • Possibility to change method on redirect when configuring an Authentication Object - When configuring an authentication object, you can enable redirects for code 302, where the server expects the following methods to always be GET during redirects and not the original method that triggered the redirect. For more details, see the documentation.
  • Allow using API keys to access role resources - From now on you can select the role-related access scopes when creating API keys. For more details, see the documentation.

NeuraLegion CLI

  • The new version of the NeuraLegion CLI is available - For the installation instructions, see the documentation.

Scan Engine

  • Scan surface discovery and speed improvements - Scan speed improvements by automatically analyzing and excluding irrelevant entry-points such as duplicates and static resources.

Check out the new features and improvements from NeuraLegion.

NeuraLegion App

  • Assigning roles to groups - With this functionality, every group can now be assigned a role, which defines the access scope. For the guidelines, see documentation
  • General UI improvements - Now you can easily reach Authentications from the side menu. Enjoy our improved breadcrumbs navigation, found issues view on the Scans page, and other UI enhancements to make your experience better.

NeuraLegion CLI

Scan Engine

  • Speed improvements when scanning via Repeater
  • Request/response correlation IDs for logs