These docs are for v1.1. Click to read the latest docs for v1.2.

Release on November 4, 2022

  • Editable labels for scans: Now all the scans can be marked by attaching fully editable labels, which are displayed in the scan details tab. It is available both in UI and API interfaces and helps users to attach any valuable information to the scan.
  • Prevent duplicate tickets: There are no more duplicating tickets while scanning using any type of available integrations. Also, as a part of this update, ticketing integration settings were moved from the Organization level to the Project level. As a result, adjusting the ticketing setting is now way faster and easier.

Known Issues

  • Windows narrator repeats the title of items from dropdown lists 3 times. - Bug on Google Material side (to be fixed in the next updates): In a number of dropdown lists, the Windows narrator repeats list items 3 times instead of voicing them only once.

Authentication-Related Issues

  • Error when creating recorded browser-based authentication with Chrome record made starting from an empty tab: When creating a record in Chrome starting from an empty tab and then creating recorded browser-based authentication using the created record, the user gets the following error: The actual URL (chrome-error://chromewebdata/) doesn't match up to the specified validation URL (chrome://YOUR_PAGE), please make sure the URL is correct or record again with the correct configuration.
  • Recording created with Google Chrome recorder is not replayed with the Evaluation failed error. When replaying the recording, an error appears: Evaluation failed. TypeError: Failed to execute ‘observe’ on ‘IntersectionObserver’: parameter 1 is not type ‘Element’… For details, see Troubleshooting Authentication Issues.
  • Recording created with Google Chrome recorder is not replayed because UID was changed. Some web applications specify a UID in the element name. Since web applications are frequently releasing new features, UID might change, which will cause the authentication object not working. For details, see Troubleshooting Authentication Issues.